Overflow Assistance
We know that there are times when law firms or in-house legal departments are understaffed, have key members on extended leave, or are facing a slew of big projects. Our expert attorneys are dependable, consistent, and reliable so that your team can function at its highest capacity. The fear with hiring a temp agency contract attorney is that the temp attorney may leave as soon as a better opportunity presents itself. As our client, that doesn’t happen. You know that you will have dedicated staff to provide you the stability that you need to run your business.
Our law firm client partners find that this flexible staffing model allows them the opportunity and stability to nurture their client relationships and grow their book of business, without the burden of adding full-time employees until they are ready. We also offer white-label services.
In-house departments recognize that this flexible assistance enables them to regularly respond to the ebb and flow of deal work without adding to their headcount, with the advantage of having a team that is familiar with their culture, legal team, and processes.
Learn More About Business Law Services
Traditional business law services such as contract negotiation and drafting, employment law, intellectual property matters, and risk management are managed through our Business Law services.
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